The knee has two main injury types, acute and overuse. The acute injuries, such as the famous ACL rupture, to medial and lateral ligaments strains are identified on assessment, and managed accordingly. Wether surgery is required for the injury or not, an active rehabilitation is important to return sportspeople back to their original desired sport. The overuse injuries like runners knee (patella tendonopathy) are often caused by a change to the training, the surface trained on, or even the shoes. There is also an underlying factor that has caused this overuse injury to occur, which is where a video running assessment is used to determine technique and muscle activation problems.
Common injuries treated and actively rehabilitated:
- ACL pre and post, or without, surgery.
- PCL strains
- Medial and lateral ligament strains
- Patella and Quadriceps tendonopathy
- Lateral/Medial knee pain.